Aito Moving Coil mono-äänirasia Ortofonilta
Quintet Monossa on Nude Elliptical r/R 8/18µm neula, joka on erinomainen ratkaisu monolevyjen toistamiseen. Quintet Mono toimii täydellisesti jopa kuluneiden levyjen kanssa.
MC Quintet Mono is for playing mono microgroove vinyl records. Read more about Ortofon True Mono cartridges range ».
The ST-7 transformer is a perfect match for the MC Quintet Red cartridge.
LH-4000 headshell is specially recommended for MC Quintet cartridges series.
Nothing demonstrates Ortofon's long-standing resilience more than its commitment to the refinement of analogue sound quality and its continued development of new cartridge models. Since 1948 Ortofon have introduced about 100 different moving coil models, with their latest being the Quintet Series.
Ortofon believe the cartridges in this new series are more than worthy successors to the long line of models that have made Ortofon the global leader in the manufacturing and supplying of phono cartridges.
It features Nude Elliptical r/R 8/18?m stylus that is a good solution for playing mono microgroove vinyl records. The Quintet Mono will track perfectly through even worn and damaged records and ensure the surface noise control. Quintet Mono uses a strapped output to deliver the same output signal from both sets of pole pins. This effectively eliminates the need for mono-specific equipment, making it possible to enjoy true mono reproduction on any stereo playback system.
Quintet Mono is the best cartridge in the Quintet series to play monophonic records.
The MC Quintet Series is congruent with Ortofon’s unrelenting commitment to providing the most precise and accurate reproduction possible without colouration.
Key Features:
A special ABS (Acrylonitrile/Butadiene/Styrene) thermoplastic material is used for manufacturing of the body. This light-weight, impact resistant material is very suitable for injection-moulding and provides a very durable scratch resistant surface.
Neodymium magnets are implemented to achieve an optimal output.
Low internal impedance makes the cartridge less sensitive to load and therefore ensures compatibility with the widest range of preamps and transformers.
The Quintet Story
Nothing demonstrates Ortofon's long-standing resilience more than its commitment to the refinement of analogue sound quality and its continued development of new cartridge models. Since 1948 Ortofon has introduced about 100 different Moving Coil models. We believe the cartridges in this new series are more than worthy successors to the long line of models that has made Ortofon the global leader in the manufacture and supply of phono cartridges.
The MC Quintet Series is a direct result of our continued research and innovation
The MC Quintet Series is congruent with Ortofon’s unrelenting commitment to providing the most precise and accurate reproduction possible without coloration:
A special ABS (Acrylonitrile/Butadiene/Styrene) thermoplastic material is used for manufacturing of the body. This light-weight, impact resistant material is very suitable for injection-moulding and provides a very durable scratch resistant surface.
Neodymium magnets are implemented to achieve an optimal output.
Low internal impedance makes the cartridge less sensitive to load and therefore ensures compatibility with the widest range of preamps and transformers.
It is our aim to bring our customers many hours of new and surprising experiences in listening to their precious vinyl collection.
- MC Quintet Mono is a true mono cartridge for playing mono microgroove vinyl records
- MC Quintet Red is an all-purpose cartridge that delivers open, dynamic sound with a slight touch of warmth
- MC Quintet Blue adds more dynamics and resolution, sounds more open and reproduces more details
- MC Quintet Bronze adds even more details and resolution but in a very evenhanded way that pays respect to all elements
- MC Quintet Black S is the best of everything, true to the groove with resolution and accurate insight into each recording
Neulan suojaus
Neulan suoja tulee mukana kaikissa Quintet-sarjan rasioissa ja se on helposti vaihdettavissa ja irroitettavissa. Välttääksesi vaurioita neulaan tai konsoliin, kiinnitä neulasuoja paikoilleen aina kun et käytä soitinta.
Välttääksesi vahinkoja neulaan tai komponenttiin, pidä neulasuoja paikoillaan asentaessa tai irroittaessasi rasiaa.
Neulan huolto
Ortofon ei suosittele käytettäväksi mitään puhdistusaineita neulaan tai levyn pintaan. Jos tarpeellista niin levyt voidaan pestä haalealla mineraalittomalla vedellä, jossa pieni määrä käsitiskiainetta. Poista pöly levyn pinnasta antistaattisella harjalla tai liinalla aina käytön jälkeen. Puhdistusaineen käyttö neulassa ja komponentissa saattaa aiheuttaa vahinkoa neulan sementille tai sen sisäisille osille. Äänirasia voi vahingoittua vakavasti jos puhdistusainetta pääsee rasian sisälle. Näissä tapauksissa Ortofonin takuu raukeaa. Neulan puhdistukseen tulee käyttää kuituharjaa, harjaamalla neulan suuntaisesti. Puhdistamalla levyt säännöllisesti pidennät neulan käyttöikää.
Tekniset tiedot:
- Output Voltage (at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec): 0.3 mV
- Channel Balance at 1 kHz: -
- Channel Separation at 1 kHz: -
- Channel Separation at 15 kHz: -
- Frequency Range (at -3 dB): 20 Hz - 25 kHz
- Frequency Response 20 Hz - 20 kHz: ± 2.0 dB
- Tracking Ability at 315 Hz: 70 μm
- Compliance, Dynamic, Lateral: 15 μm / mN
- Stylus Type: Nude Elliptical
- Stylus Tip Radius r / R: 8 / 18 μm
- Tracking Force Range: 2.1 - 2.5 g (21 - 25 mN)
- Recommended Tracking Force: 2.3 g (23 mN)
- Tracking Angle: 20º
- Internal Impedance / DC Resistance: 5 Ohm
- Recommended Load Impedance: > 20 Ohm
- Cartridge Body Material: ABS/Alu
- Cartridge Colour: White
- Cartridge Weight: 9 g