Musical Fidelity M6x Vinyl
Levysoitinesivahvistin, monipuoliset säädöt, 3 sisääntuloa, Fully Discrete erilliskomponettirakenne
Musical Fidelity M6x Vinyl on erittäin suorituskykyinen ja tarkka phono MM/MC -esivahvistin, kauniisti suunnitellussa ja toteutetussa kotelossa. Se on todellinen High-End hifin suunnannäyttäjä ilman mitään erityisiä rajoituksia. M6x Vinyl on suunniteltu siten, että etuastetta ei voi ylikuormittaa tai kohdata mitään rajoitteita tavanomaisen toiston aikana, olipa kyseessä sitten yksittäinen RCA- tai balansoitu XLR -tuloliitäntä. Tuotteessa on kolme sisääntuloa joista kukin voidaan asettaa joko MM tai MC äänirasia käyttöön. Annetut asetukset jää muistiin.
M6x Vinyl tarjoaa state-of-art tekniikkaa sekä huippuluokan äänenlaatua erittäin kilpailukykyiseen hintaan.
- Loistava tekninen suorituskyky
- Lyhyet signaalitiet
- Huippuluokan häiriöetäisyys
The M6x ViNYL is a very high performance, highly accurate phono MM/MC cartridge amplifier in a beautifully designed and executed casework. We set out to make a phono stage without any practical limits. It’s designed in such a way to ensure you cannot overload the input stage or encounter any practical limitations in the output driving capacity during regular use, whether running single-ended or balanced. It has three inputs, and each can be individually set for either MM/ MC and loading. Each input also then remembers its own settings. It offers state-of-the art technical and sonic performance at a very competitive price and is the epitome of the true spirit of high-end audio.
Design Philosophy
While updating from the M6 ViNYL to the M6x ViNYL, we have switched to an entirely discrete circuitry, which results in better technical measurements and better sound. It is equipped with one balanced input and output as well as two single-ended inputs and one single-ended output to fit well into any vinyl hi-fi system. But the important question is: what is so special about discrete circuits
The Advantage of Discrete Circuits
A discrete circuit is composed of electronic components which are disparate, individual devices, also called discrete components. These can be “passive” components, like resistors, capacitors and inductors, as well as “active” components, which in our case are transistors. The opposite to this would be an integrated circuit, which uses operational amplifiers (Op-Amps) in the signal chain. In our industry we employ specialised Op-Amps built for audio applications, which allow us to produce very small and efficient electronics, as well as saving the time of design engineers. However, countless hours of listening tests and years of experience have shown us that even the very best Op-Amps do not tend to be so neutral, natural, dynamic or vivid – all of which are characteristics of the Musical Fidelity “sound”. For that reason, we’re rediscovering our passion for traditional, discrete designs. Where standard phono pre-amplifiers with integrated circuits have a few tens or hundreds of components, discrete designs will employ hundreds or thousands of components by comparison. That makes for an extended design process, but in our opinion results in the best sound for your money. The unit features three separate, independently selectable cartridge inputs. This allows choice between three different turntables, or multiple tone arm configurations if required. Selectable gain is provided to allow for different cartridge sensitivities and ton suit any equipment. Cartridge type and loading is selected by front selector buttons for optimum cartridge performance.
Making Way For Pure Music
The true point of any electronic, actually any audio component, is that you don‘t know it is there. You completely forget its existance. By that criteria the M6x Vinyl is almost perfect. It has no practical audible noise, it doesn‘t really have distortion, you cannot overload its input or output, you can load your cartridge perfectly. It exists to serve the music. To bring the artists intent, emotions and passion to your ears and heart.
Key Features
- Three separate, selectable inputs
- Data memory for settings for ease of use
- Traditional discreet circuit board layout
- Frontal gain selector for MM or MC
- Fully balanced XLR and traditional RCA inputs & outputs
Tekniset tiedot
MM Input
Frequency response:
MM: RIAA or RIAA/IEC ±0 .2dB
Input sensitivity: MM: 5mV in for 500mV out (at 1kHz)
Input impedance: 47Kohm
Input capacitance: 50-400pF selectable
THD at 1 kHz: <0.005%
Overload margin: 26dB
Signal to noise ratio: >101dB
MC Input
Frequency response: RIAA or RIAA/IEC ±0.25dB
Input sensitivity: 5V in for 500mV out (at 1kHz)
Input impedance: 25ohm to 1.2Kohm selectable
Input capacitance: 470pF fixed
THD at 1 kHz: <0.02%
Overload margin: 26dB
Signal to noise ratio: >90dB
Outputs (RCA/XLR)
1 pair RCA: left and right 500mV nom 10V max
1 pair XLR (balanced): left and right 1V nom 20V max
Power requirement
Mains voltages: 230V/115V Internally set or 100V optional. AC 50/60Hz
Consumption: 20 Watts maximum. <0 .5W in standby (orange LED on)
Weight and Dimensions
Unit only, unboxed: 5.5 kg
In shipping carton & inc . accessories: 11 kg
W x H(incl. feet) x D(incl. terminals): 440 x 100 x 385mm
Standard accessories
Mains lead: 10 Amp IEC