System Audio Legend 40.2 Silverback wireless
Aktiivikaiutin, jossa ominaisuudet kuten SA legend 40 silverback wireless, mutta ilman langattoman hubin erityisominaisuuksia.
Enjoy music like never before
You've never had greater music experiences in your home. SA legend 40 silverback is a digital active speaker with 4 amplifiers, electronic crossover and DSP built into each cabinet. The music sounds pure and clean like never before. SA legend silverback is a technological breakthrough that music lovers can’t ignore. Inside the active SA legend 40 silverback sits two ultrafast digital amplifiers that drive each individual speaker unit. The speaker is without passive components and digital signal processors handles the signal, without loss and distortion. The result is amazing music experiences.
There are many advantages of SA legend silverback technology:
- Extremely pure sound
- Amazing dynamics
- Incredibly deep bass (20 Hz)
- Less compression of the sound
- Extremely linear frequency response
- Smooth sound dispersion
- Upgradeable to wireless when purchasing Stereo Hub
- SA legend 40 silverback is designed to operate with your preamplifier, network player or pre-out on your integrated amplifier.
The speakers turn on automatically when you start the music.
Tekniset tiedot:
Vahvistimien kokonaisteho: 300 W (4-tie aktiivi, neljä vahvistinta kummassakin kaiuttimessa)
Taajuusvaste: +/- 1.5 dB: 20 - 25.000 Hz
Johdollinen analoginen sisääntulo: Balansoitu XLR
Diskantti: Legend DXT
Keskiäänielementti: Legend 15/4
Bassoelementit: 2* Legend 15/4
Toimintaperiaate: aktiivi 4-tie suljettu kotelo
Päivitettävä DSP: kyllä
Sisäänrakennettu langaton WISA vastaanotin, 2-kanavainen stereo, 24 Bit / 96 kHz: kyllä
Laajennettavissa langattomaksi 7.1 kotiteatteriksi: kyllä
Sisääntulojännite: 100 - 240V AC
Kaiuttimien paino: 19.4 kg/kpl
Mitat (L x K x S): 190 x 955 x 265 mm
Suositeltava sijoitus: lattialla, 15-35 cm seinästä
Viimeistely: valkoinen satiini tai musta satiini