Nagaoka MP-110
High-quality MM sound box from Nagaoka, with elliptical grinding. A real budget best buy!
Founded in 1940, Nagaoka, Japan, manufactures its sound boxes meticulously by itself from start to finish, also working as a subcontractor for many big brands. The company's job description includes fine machining of metals, magnetic materials, and gemstone materials.
The world-renowned Nagaoka sound boxes and Audio accessories represent the traditional high Japanese concept of quality.
Technical information:
Needle shaft: Aluminum
Needle grinding: Elliptical 0.4 x 0.7 mil
Output voltage: 5 mV (5cm/sec)
Channel balance: better than 1.5 dB
Frequency response: 20 - 20000 Hz
Channel separation: 23 dB
Mass: 6.5 g
Needle weight: 1.5-2.0g
Load: 47k
Dynamic flexibility: 6.0 x 10-6 cm/dyne
Static elasticity: 18 x 10-6 cm/dyne